woman receiving a massage

I'm sorry I didn't shave my legs for this session

May 26, 20232 min read

Embracing Self-Love: A Message to Every Woman on My Table

To all the incredible women I’ve had the pleasure of working with, and to anyone who might feel this way—let me share a little secret: You don’t have to worry about having shaved your legs, your armpits, or any other part of your body before your massage. That’s right. I want you to hear this loud and clear: Your body is perfect just as it is.

I know society often bombards us with unrealistic standards about how we should look and what we should do. We might feel self-conscious about cellulite, body hair, or even those stubborn areas where pain seems to linger. It’s easy to get caught up in apologizing for these things, but I’m here to remind you of something important: your body is not only accepted but respected, exactly as it is.

Consider this your permission slip to let go of any self-judgment or worry about those so-called imperfections. The next time you find yourself apologizing for not having the smoothest legs or the most flawless skin, take a deep breath and shift your focus. Instead of seeing these things as flaws, thank your body for its incredible abilities. Recognize that those little imperfections are part of what makes you unique and human.

Your body is an amazing, miraculous thing. Even with cellulite, stretch marks, or body hair, it performs countless functions every day while you juggle the stress of life. It’s a vessel of strength and resilience, deserving of your love and appreciation. So, when you step into my treatment room, bring with you a sense of gratitude and self-love for your remarkable body.

Embracing self-love starts with how you view yourself. If you want to make changes, do so from a place of kindness and appreciation, not criticism. Grab a journal and write out your feelings—sometimes putting thoughts on paper can lighten your emotional load. Try a meditation app to calm your mind, or commit to daily walks or exercise. Drink more water, get enough sleep, and approach these changes with love rather than self-loathing.

You are worthy of love, starting from within. So, whether you’ve shaved or not, know that you are bringing a fabulous, miraculous body to my table. Embrace and honor it just as it is. Remember, you are amazing, and your journey toward self-love is the most beautiful path you can walk.

Here’s to loving yourself through every step of the way! ❤️🦋

Piper Cabebe is a dedicated healer and transformative guide, specializing in Hypnotherapy and HeartHealing™ with a deep passion for helping others. Piper creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore and heal their deepest wounds. She blends spiritual insight with practical tools, empowering women to overcome their past, break through their blocks, and step into their full power of self love and radical acceptance.

Piper Cabebe

Piper Cabebe is a dedicated healer and transformative guide, specializing in Hypnotherapy and HeartHealing™ with a deep passion for helping others. Piper creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore and heal their deepest wounds. She blends spiritual insight with practical tools, empowering women to overcome their past, break through their blocks, and step into their full power of self love and radical acceptance.

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