woman meditating in fog on a hillside

The Journey

February 16, 20243 min read

Embracing the Unexpected: Finding My Path to Healing, Teaching, and Hearthealing

It’s funny how life can take you down paths you never imagined. I never thought I’d be here, sharing my journey and what I’ve learned along the way. But here we are, walking through doors we never expected to open. Sometimes, we choose our paths; other times, the path chooses us. And along the way, we encounter both joy and sorrow, hope and despair.

When I was a little girl, I loved playing teacher. I had a chalkboard on my wall and would spend hours instructing my toys, mapping out the day’s lessons. Back then, it never occurred to me that I might not be “enough” to be a teacher. I just did it. What a gift imagination is! But as I grew older, life happened, and I started to believe the critics—the ones who said I wasn’t enough. Their voices framed what I thought I could do, accomplish, and become.

Yet, despite these doubts, I always had a love for science, health, and medicine. I went back to school, worked with patients and medical providers, and I loved it! I soaked up every bit of knowledge, and before I knew it, I was teaching again—training new staff, working in a Med Tech Program, then back in the clinics helping patients understand their care. Teaching had always been there, waiting for me to embrace it.

As life took me down different roads, I eventually found myself at a crossroads. My workaholic 20s gave way to family-focused 30s, and now in my 40s, I’ve found a balance that allows me to do more of what I love. In 2003, I made the bold decision to walk away from my career in traditional medicine and become a massage therapist.

This new path led me to discover aromatherapy and herbal medicine—practices I once viewed as “whack-a-do” but now see as beautiful, holistic approaches to healing. I’ve learned that there isn’t just one right way to heal; there are many, and each one is valid.

But my journey didn’t stop there. As I continued to explore the deeper layers of healing, I found myself drawn to the power of hypnotherapy and hearthealing. Through these modalities, I help women heal from the inside out, guiding them to release emotional and energetic wounds stored deep within their bodies. This work allows me to combine everything I’ve learned—science, holistic healing, and the art of teaching—to help others embrace their wholeness and transform past traumas into strength and joy.

Now, I find joy in writing, teaching, creating, and helping others feel better—whether it’s managing burnout, pain, stress, or deep-seated emotional wounds. That’s my choice today, and who knows, I might choose something different tomorrow. The important thing is that I didn’t let the fear of doing it “right” or “perfect” stop me from finding my path.

Friend, don’t miss out on your “it.” Go for it. Embrace the journey, no matter how winding or unexpected it may be. Your path doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s—it’s yours alone. My hope for you is that you take time to stop and smell the flowers along the way, letting their beauty and aroma give you the strength to keep moving forward.

Like a butterfly, we’re constantly transforming, changing, and evolving. So take that road that calls to you in your dreams and see where it leads. After all, it’s your journey, and it’s meant to be uniquely yours.


Piper Cabebe is a dedicated healer and transformative guide, specializing in Hypnotherapy and HeartHealing™ with a deep passion for helping others. Piper creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore and heal their deepest wounds. She blends spiritual insight with practical tools, empowering women to overcome their past, break through their blocks, and step into their full power of self love and radical acceptance.

Piper Cabebe

Piper Cabebe is a dedicated healer and transformative guide, specializing in Hypnotherapy and HeartHealing™ with a deep passion for helping others. Piper creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore and heal their deepest wounds. She blends spiritual insight with practical tools, empowering women to overcome their past, break through their blocks, and step into their full power of self love and radical acceptance.

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