woman in blue tank top with pain in neck and shoulders

3 Simple activities to reduce muscle tension in your neck and shoulders

June 15, 20233 min read

Tackling Muscle Tension: A Holistic Approach to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain

Ah, muscle tension creeping up the neck and shoulders—it's a classic scenario many of us are all too familiar with. Whether it's from long hours at the computer, endless phone use, or simply carrying the "weight of the world" on our shoulders, this discomfort is a common reason people seek massage therapy. I find that addressing this issue through a multi-faceted approach can be especially effective. Here’s a holistic method to ease that tension, incorporating some of my favorite HeartHealing™ and hypnosis techniques for a deeper level of relief.

1. Mindful Breathing and Body Awareness

Start by finding a quiet, comfortable spot to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few moments to focus on your shoulders. Gently shrug and move them around until they feel relaxed and dropped away from your ears. Begin a deep breathing exercise: inhale for a count of 6, hold for 6, and exhale for 6. Continue with deep, intentional belly breaths. As you breathe, ask yourself why this tension might be present. Is it due to too much computer work, an overflowing to-do list, or perhaps inadequate water intake or exercise? Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up without judgment or guilt. Acknowledge these insights with gratitude—they offer valuable clues for creating a plan to address the root causes of your tension.

2. Muscle Activation and Stretching

Lay face down on the floor, arms extended at your sides, palms facing down. With your head in a neutral position, gently contract the muscles between your shoulder blades and lift your upper body slightly. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then relax and lower your body back down. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times, making sure to keep your head in a neutral position—avoid craning it backward.

Next, while remaining face down, bring your arms up to a goal-post position, aligning them with your shoulders or slightly above. Twist your lower body to the right, bringing your right leg over to the right side. Hold for a moment, then switch and do the same with your left leg. Complete this series 10 times.

Stand up and position your arms again in a goal-post position. Rotate your arms from up to down, keeping your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears. Lift and lower gently to work on your range of motion. Avoid forcing any movement; focus on kind and gentle motions.

3. Journaling and Emotional Release

Take 5-10 minutes to sit with a pen and paper. Write down any thoughts or feelings that come to mind, no matter how chaotic or irrational they may seem. This practice helps clear your mind and can be particularly useful if you're feeling overwhelmed. Be sure to note any important tasks like scheduling a dental appointment and let go of anything that feels less significant. Conclude by listing at least one thing you’re grateful for today. This simple act can shift your mindset and reinforce a positive outlook.

4. Integrating HeartHealing™ and Hypnosis

To deepen the relief and connect more profoundly with your body, consider incorporating HeartHealing™ and hypnosis into your routine. These practices can help address the emotional and energetic roots of physical tension. HeartHealing™ focuses on releasing old wounds and fostering self-compassion, while hypnosis can guide you into a relaxed state where you can reframe stressors and alleviate the emotional weight contributing to physical discomfort.

By combining these techniques with your physical practices, you can create a comprehensive approach to relieving neck and shoulder tension. Remember, it's about finding what works best for you and integrating these practices into your daily life. You’ve got this, and I’m cheering you on every step of the way!

Stay well and take care! ❤️🦋

Piper Cabebe is a dedicated healer and transformative guide, specializing in Hypnotherapy and HeartHealing™ with a deep passion for helping others. Piper creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore and heal their deepest wounds. She blends spiritual insight with practical tools, empowering women to overcome their past, break through their blocks, and step into their full power of self love and radical acceptance.

Piper Cabebe

Piper Cabebe is a dedicated healer and transformative guide, specializing in Hypnotherapy and HeartHealing™ with a deep passion for helping others. Piper creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore and heal their deepest wounds. She blends spiritual insight with practical tools, empowering women to overcome their past, break through their blocks, and step into their full power of self love and radical acceptance.

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